24 фев 2019

The Murder of Jacey McWilliams

John Aylward
Lashaun Hunted
Lashaun Hunted
Thanks john! Senseless way to die for a car.
Alison Perkins
I'm only 18 minutes in, but she's TOTALLY being taken advantage of.... Completely.
Gianna Di Camillo
Gianna Di Camillo
nobody deserves what she got but this is what happens when you fall all over a guy and bend over backwards for him, giving her car over , sitting there doing his laundry cooking him food and meanwhile he is doing god knows what. Screw that, no way no matter how cute she thought he was. If she had just showed some mutual interest in her co worker. he was genuine . As a woman you should always go with the guy who likes or loves you a bit more than you like him. works out much better. This dude was a loser no car, no money to take her anywhere.so he used her when she says no he kills her. you could see from minute one her desperation and so did he.
The Murder of Jacey McWilliams
Видео: The Murder of Jacey McWilliams
Видео: The Murder of Jacey McWilliams
Видео: The Murder of Jacey McWilliams
Видео: The Murder of Jacey McWilliams
Видео: The Murder of Jacey McWilliams
Видео: The Murder of Jacey McWilliams
Видео: The Murder of Jacey McWilliams
Видео: The Murder of Jacey McWilliams
Видео: The Murder of Jacey McWilliams
Видео: The Murder of Jacey McWilliams