24 фев 2019

Robert Durst An ID Murder Mystery Part 1/2

John Aylward
Debbie Clark
Debbie Clark
Omg, this was an absolute pleasure to watch, even though I'm extremely familiar with this case/story having watched many documentaries about throughout the years. But, this documentary was extremely well scripted, well told and intriguing. Even knowing the outcome (again, as I've seen countless docs about this nut job), I found myself at the edge of my seat as each person came onscreen to recount their version of events that happened when Kathy went missing!!! Plus, I'm now impatiently waiting for Part Two!! 🤗🙃Thank you John for this amazing documentary!! You rock sunshine! xo from Miami, Fl
Talira Kerouac
Thank you for that review, I will watch, now, too!
Lashaun Hunted
Lashaun Hunted
Good show, but still no answers rather he was convicted for the murder of his friend.Thanks John 🦋
JackintheBox potty
JackintheBox potty
This is great I gotta watch the second part. I thought the Jinx was the best and didn''t need to watch this but it really fleshes out the details and adds a lot more to the story. I honestly thought that this story is way too out there to be true but as they say truth is stranger than fiction
lutne krockn
this pig hurts animals
Robert Durst An ID Murder Mystery Part 1/2
Видео: Robert Durst An ID Murder Mystery Part 1/2
Видео: Robert Durst An ID Murder Mystery Part 1/2
Видео: Robert Durst An ID Murder Mystery Part 1/2
Видео: Robert Durst An ID Murder Mystery Part 1/2
Видео: Robert Durst An ID Murder Mystery Part 1/2
Видео: Robert Durst An ID Murder Mystery Part 1/2
Видео: Robert Durst An ID Murder Mystery Part 1/2
Видео: Robert Durst An ID Murder Mystery Part 1/2
Видео: Robert Durst An ID Murder Mystery Part 1/2
Видео: Robert Durst An ID Murder Mystery Part 1/2