24 фев 2019

Was Kevin Cooper Framed? Part 1/2

John Aylward
Lina Liliengren-Smith
I have seen this once before, but I just have to watch it again just because of Dr Mary. She is such a beautiful soul and the love she has for her family is amazing
Toldya so
Toldya so
That past Sheriff sure can't handle the truth. Acts like he didn't know about the overalls being thrown out. There's a fricking report about it, and still he in denial. He knows in the back of his mind that he and the rest of his department fucked that investigation up royally. He just can't handle to admit it.That's the sign of a low down dirty dog.That sheriff had this high profile case and he knew the pressure was on to solve it and then when a black man fell right into his lap, he was gonna make a case against him, no matter what. And he couldn't have conflicting evidence show up and spoil "his lynching".
Was Kevin Cooper Framed? Part 1/2
Видео: Was Kevin Cooper Framed? Part 1/2
Видео: Was Kevin Cooper Framed? Part 1/2
Видео: Was Kevin Cooper Framed? Part 1/2
Видео: Was Kevin Cooper Framed? Part 1/2
Видео: Was Kevin Cooper Framed? Part 1/2
Видео: Was Kevin Cooper Framed? Part 1/2
Видео: Was Kevin Cooper Framed? Part 1/2
Видео: Was Kevin Cooper Framed? Part 1/2
Видео: Was Kevin Cooper Framed? Part 1/2
Видео: Was Kevin Cooper Framed? Part 1/2